Saturday, April 21, 2007


Biryani is “a delicious Pakistani/Indian rice dish which is often reserved for very special occasions such as weddings, parties, or holidays such as Ramadan” (Nazia). It takes on a wide variety of cultural influences. Biryani is most common in India, where it originated. It is made of a mixture of spices, and meat. The main ingredient is rice. The spices include saffron, cumin, cinnamon, coriander, etc. They give the Biryani its rich and very flavorful taste. Since Biryani is Indian cuisine, there are two varieties. One involves meat. The other variety involves vegetables since many Indians can not eat beef for religious purpose. Personally, I like both styles. They are both very delicious.

There are several ways to prepare this delicious dish, since it is made in different ways in different regions of India. I prefer the most popular form which originates in a place called Hyderabad. The dish is made out of a base of rice. I usually use a packet that comes with a special seasoning. It is called Biryani mix. First, I mix this with the rice after I have fully washed and drained the rice. Then I take out some freshly prepared chicken breast pieces. I choose to use these because they taste good when mixed with the dish. After that, I put several spices such as coriander and cumin blended with the chicken. All of these are put into a pot that is medium sized. Finally, I let it sit on the stove at 350 degrees temperature for almost an hour. Once it seems cooked, I take the pot and dump the meat with the rice. One important thing to remember is that you must mix the rice well or it will clump together or stick to the pot. You should let the mixture of meat and rice cook for approximately an hour or so. Once done, you can decorate the Biryani with bay leaves and other decorative items.

Work Cited

Nazia. “Chicken Biryani.” 8 Apr. 2007

Amjad Roboey..

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