Friday, March 30, 2007

Being Single is the Best Way to Live

Who loves to stay in jail forever? When you get married, you put yourself in jail. You do not have freedom. You are chained to your family and responsibilities. And you are forced to work hard until you die.

Married people are prisoners because they do not have freedom. They have to spend their time with their families. Married people have to stay with their children and try to teach them everything about life. For example, one of my friends used to hang out a lot and spend most of his time with us before he got married. Now that he is married I meet him only once a month or even less. He can’t play soccer with us as before even if he would love to. We used to travel a lot, but not anymore. His wife wants him to stay with her all the time and to give her all his attention.

When you get married, you have more responsibilities than single people. Married people have responsibilities for their wives and their children. For example, my friend used to take responsibility for himself, but after he got married, he had to take care of his wife and his children and be responsible for them. He has to advise them and to help them when they need it. He is responsible for their health and education.

After they get married, many people have to spend more money than when they were single. They have to pay for most things at home. Married people have to take care of their families and make them happy. For example, they have to pay for the food, clothes, and bills. One of my friends, who got married, used to spend a lot of money for fun. He spent his money everywhere without care. But after he had a wife and children, he could not do the same thing. He has to count his money every time he buys something to save as much as he can.

Before you get married, you should think about it a lot. It is not an easy issue. You will put yourself in jail. Marriage takes away your freedom. Also, you will have more responsibility, and that will cost you a lot. So, live your life and have fun before you decide to go to jail.

Mohanad Alsherebi

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